Thank you for joining us on this prayer journey. As Prayerful Guides, we are called to regularly seek to influence our families, friends, and neighbors toward a better future with Christ through prayer and infectious love. (2 Tim. 2:1-2)
The 5-5-5 Prayer Challenge is designed to be a catalyst for a deeper and more intentional prayer life as you spend 5 minutes a day in prayer, 5 days per week, in five prayer focuses: upward, inward, outward, forward, and backward.
We’ve created a prayer guide that simply invites you to pray scripture for a total of forty weeks. The first four volumes, spanning twenty-four weeks, are now available. Praying Upward is the first eight weeks, praying Inward is the second eight weeks, praying Outward is the third eight weeks, and praying Forward is our current eight weeks. Open the Prayer Guides by simply clicking on the images below. Feel free to bookmark this page or download and save the guide to your device.