Mission Statement
The mission of Incite Student Ministries is life change. We accomplish this by producing students that are connecting and growing. We want students to connect to God and to each other as they grow to fully devoted and equipped followers of Jesus Christ.
Core Values
Welcome: We seek to live as a unique community of faith in which everyone feels welcome.
Spiritually: We base our programming on the foundation of a common faith in Jesus Christ.
Leadership: We affirm that all baptized believers are gifted by the Holy Spirit and called to serve within the body of Christ.
Growth: We endeavor to be lifelong disciples who are continually growing in our faith.
Mission: We express our faith in specific, tangible acts of service, particularly to those in need.
God-Based: We seek to be more like Jesus, living out the fruits of the Spirit, remembering that God is the center of everything we do.
Discipleship: We desire to be grounded in the foundations of our faith and to communicate our faith effectively and confidently with others.
Love: We strive to be aware of the needs of others and to demonstrate love and compassion to all who come in contact with our student ministry.
Joy: We live with a contagious excitement about our faith that draws others to become a part of the body of Christ.
Safety: We provide trustworthy adult leaders for all youth and a welcoming environment in which youth feel safe asking questions and seeking support and guidance.
Sunday Mornings
Sunday is a time where we encourage our students to serve in different areas throughout the church. We provide a Bible Study class for those who are not serving on a given week and for visitors. In addition, we provide a free continental breakfast for the students before group time begins.
Sunday Nights
Our Sunday Night student service starts at 6:00 PM in the Youth Room. This is a great way to get to know other students and be encouraged by the Word of God. The night starts out with our Incite Worship Band, then a relevant message from the Word of God. We close out the night by meeting in Small Groups by grade and gender. Small Groups are the most essential part of our Student Ministry because this is where organic discipleship happens. This is a time when we get deeper into God’s Word, share our struggles, encourage, and pray for each other.
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Parents, if you would like more detailed information about our student ministry check out our Parent Handbook.
How to Serve
If you are interested in serving in our Student Ministry, the first step would be to fill out our Background Check. Thank you for your willingness to serve!